Care guarantee

So that you always receive care within a reasonable time

Care guarantee

At Huddinge Orthopedics, waiting times for new visits, operations and must meet the care guarantee. This means that you as a patient must receive the care you need within a reasonable time. The care guarantee means that you can change care providers if your current care provider cannot offer you visits and treatment within a certain time. Read more about the time limits that apply to the care guarantee below. Investigations, such as x-rays, are not included in the care guarantee. 

The care guarantee means:
All times below are maximum times. In urgent and urgent cases, you get help immediately.
  • You must be offered an appointment to see a doctor/specialist within 30 days of the referral date.
  • If the specialist doctor considers that you need treatment, it must be started as soon as possible - no later than 90 days after the decision on treatment.

If you are not called to visit specialist care within 30 days or do not receive your treatment within 90 days, you must first contact the reception to which the referral was sent. Alternatively, if the waiting times are too long, you should contact The care guarantee office. There you can get help finding another healthcare provider who has shorter waiting times. Call the Vårdgarantikansliet on 08-123 134 00.

Freedom of choice in care
As a patient in Sweden, you have the right to seek medical care in a county council other than the home county council. This means that you have the right to an outpatient visit with a doctor in another county council if you have a Free Choice referral. If this visit leads to your doctor recommending continued treatment with us at Huddinge Orthopedics, you must contact your county council yourself, who must certify that they are responsible for the cost of any surgery and subsequent care or other treatment.

Do you want to know more?
Information about the care guarantee in Stockholm, visit 1177 Vårdguiden or for general information about the care guarantee in the country, visit Sweden's municipalities and counties.

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