Welcome to
Huddinge Orthopedics
Vår mottagning drivs inom ortopedi och handkirurgi.

Mottagningen tar emot remisser från läkare, sjuksköterska, arbetsterapeut,
skolläkare, skolsjuksköterska, andra specialistkliniker och akutsjukhus.
Men vi kan även ta emot remiser från andra vårdgivare (Inget remiss krav)
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About Huddinge Orthopedics

Vår mottagning drivs inom ortopedi och handkirurgi.

We receive patients from the entire county but also from other regions.
The reception receives referrals from doctors, nurses, occupational therapists,
school doctors, school nurses, other specialist clinics and emergency hospitals. Referrals can
be sent to us electronically in the Take Care record system, but of course we also
accept paper referrals by post.
We have two operating theaters and we have a total of 10 employees at the clinic.

Our specialist areas:

Apply to us!

If you are waiting for an assessment/operation in your home county council and they cannot meet the requirement to offer you care within the care guarantee (90 days), you have the right to apply to Huddinge Ortopedia via a so-called care agreement.

A constant development

At Huddinge Ortopedia, we constantly push forward the development of healthcare's working methods.

Our goal is to provide all patients with high-quality, patient-safe and efficient healthcare. We see that well-functioning, systematic improvement work is a prerequisite for high patient safety and for us at Huddinge Ortopedia it is important that we have a system where every day, as part of our work, we make visible and solve the problems that arise. All employees therefore have two jobs – partly to provide care and partly to improve our working methods. Through proactive work and standardization of care processes, with reduced variations as a result, we increase patient safety.

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