This is how we handle your information

Accessible but with your rights in focus


In order for important medical record information to be available for your care, we participate in medical record sharing via the national patient overview (NPÖ). Many healthcare providers in county councils and municipalities participate in NPÖ. Examples of information included are summary journal entries, lab results, medications and diagnoses. In order for anyone to have access to this information, you must first give your consent. If you no longer want to be part of NPÖ, you can contact our patient advisor. At your request, the patient advisor can block or unlock your record in NPÖ.

To improve the quality of care and support research and development, we at Huddinge Orthopedics collaborate with biobanks and several quality registers. During your stay with us, it may happen that we collect information about you and your care for them. All participation in registers complies with confidentiality legislation and the Patient Data Act. You always have the option to decline. You can also choose to have all your data deleted afterwards.

Combined Journal / National Patient Overview (NPÖ)

Purpose and Purpose:

In order to offer good and safe care, the healthcare staff need access to information about you as a patient, e.g. allergies, hypersensitivity and which medicines you take. This information may be held by different health care providers in different locations. Most of the time, you can give an account of your medical history yourself in connection with visits, but there may be occasions in emergency situations when you cannot answer yourself or do not remember. Information can also be important for planning your care or following up after a treatment session.

Who can access the information:

In order to offer good and safe care, the healthcare staff need access to information about you as a patient, e.g. allergies, hypersensitivity and which medicines you take. This information may be held by different health care providers in different locations. Most of the time, you can give an account of your medical history yourself in connection with visits, but there may be occasions in emergency situations when you cannot answer yourself or do not remember. Information can also be important for planning your care or following up after a treatment session.

To participate in NPÖ

If you want to join NPÖ, you don't have to do anything.

If you do not want to join NPÖ, you can contact our staff. You will then receive more information about barriers and a form for written notification. You can also directly via 1177 Vårdguiden's e-tjänster block sharing in NPÖ.

To participate in biobanking

What is a biobank?

There are several occasions in healthcare when you need to provide samples, usually blood samples or tissue samples. Sometimes samples are saved in a so-called biobank after being analyzed. However, the vast majority of routine tests are not saved.

A biobank is a collection of samples, such as blood samples, cell samples or other tissue samples, which are taken in healthcare and stored for more than two months. The samples must be able to be linked to the person they come from.

What is the aim and purpose of a biobank

The main reason why samples are saved is that you as a patient will receive safer care and treatment. The person making the diagnosis may need to compare a new sample with a previously saved sample. This is the case, for example, with many infectious diseases or in the follow-up of cancer diseases.

Biobanks are also needed for the training of healthcare personnel and for quality and development work in healthcare. In research, biobanks are valuable, for example, for studying both common diseases and more unusual diseases.

How are samples and data protected in a biobank

The saved samples are stored so that unauthorized persons cannot access them. Personal data relating to the sample are noted in the patient record and in special registers of samples. All personal data is protected by the Privacy Act and the Patient Data Act.

How are samples and data protected in a biobank

You always have the right to change your mind, but a failed test is gone forever. If you are unsure and want to think about your decision, it may be good to agree to save the sample for the time being. You can later change your mind at any time by sending in a no coupon that you can get in connection with the test. You can also download and fill in a no-ticket on the National Biobank Council's website, Biobanksverige.

More information:

Quality Register:

In order to develop and secure the quality of care, Huddinge Orthopedics wants to report information about you to national quality registers. For each register, there is a central personal data responsible organization that manages the register.

Your participation is completely voluntary and if you wish to refrain from participation or have questions about the quality register, please contact us.

You contribute to better care!

By being included in quality registers, you contribute to improving care. The data is used to compare care between different hospitals and care centers around the country. We then use the results in our improvement work. The quality registers contribute to new knowledge about care and treatment and the more people who participate, the more certain the results will be.

Information recorded

In order to develop and secure the quality of care, we want to register information about your social security number, your care contacts with us, your diagnosis, your treatment, your test results, etc. Exactly what information is collected differs between the different registers.


Your data is protected by the health care confidentiality in the Publicity and Privacy Act. As a general rule, this means that information about you may only be released from the registers if it is clear that neither you nor anyone close to you is suffering, but if the information is released.


Your information in the quality registers is protected against unauthorized access. There are special requirements for security measures such as means that only those who need your information may have access to it, that it must be checked that no unauthorized person has access to information, that your information must be protected by encryption and that logging in to access information must only take place in a secure way.


Your data is deleted when it is no longer needed to develop and secure the quality of care.

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